Instead of sending them all in emails I thought I would try this! This way you always have a page you can access when you need to! However, if you ever have any questions or want more tutorials please feel free to shoot me an email and let me know! 

Embedding A PDF

Adding a PDF file to your website is much like adding an image to your site. I will teach you how I added the catalogue to show you. 

First you will use an image that you want to represent the PDF. In this case we did the catalogue cover. 

While you are in the window where you have uploaded your image you will link it to the PDF file using the CLICKTHROUGH URL option. Now there are three options here... Content, Files, and External. 

In most cases you will choose the FILES option and simply add your PDF in there. EASY PEASY! 

However, with this years catalogue it is a little different. The catalogue PDF file is just too large for you to upload that way. So in this case I went to your Stampin' Up! site and just grabbed the link to the PDF from there. Then I added that link to the EXTERNAL option in the clickthrough box. I always set it to open in a new window since it is leaving your site. 

Then you are DONE! See, it's really not so bad is it?!?

Activate A Page

You have your pages all set up, and now you are ready to activate them! This seems daunting, but it so isn't! It will literally take you less than a minute! 

Once you are ready you will go to the PAGES tab in your dashboard.

Here you will see all of your active and inactive pages. Your inactive pages are that really light grey color. Now I want you to hover over one of those inactive pages with your mouse. I am going to do Claire's Codes for example. You should see a little gear appear on the right hand side of it. Click that gear! 

Now you will see the image that is on the left here... All you have to do is simply click the little circle next to Enabled.

Now you just hit save and YOU ARE DONE! I told you it was easy!

Want another tiny tutorial thrown into this one??? - On this tab you can also add a description for that page that you would want to show up when people find it on the internet, or when you post it to social media. You can also click that Media option in the upper right corner and choose an image you want to display in these cases. 

Edit Your Gallery Page

You know how to change the text on this page if you would like to. So what I am here to teach you is how to add to the gallery! You chose the option of adding individual images when you are ready to. This can be done two ways. I will tell you a little bit about each option! 

Since I already set up the page for you, you will go in to edit it and click the grey box that says you have to add to your gallery. Click edit just like with anything else. Now you will see the two ways that you can add to this! 


This is what we will do. You will add your photos individually using the upload images option sitting right there! 


To use this option you would have to have created a gallery page. Super easy to do by simply creating a new page, choosing the gallery option, and then adding and linking your photos!

For your page we will use the UPLOAD PHOTOS option. Once you upload your first image you will add the image. Once you have uploaded the image it will just appear in the box on the left image. Now hover over that image. You will see a little gear, pencil, and trashcan appear. Click the gear! This is where you will give the image a title and link the image. 

To link it you will go to the CLICKTHROUGH URL and add the link to where you want it to go as an external link. Make sure you tell it to open in a new window. 

PLEASE NOTE -  As of right now your gallery is set up to show horizontal images! It will also crop the image you add to look correct for that size! If you would rather change it sop that is shows square images, or vertical images, this can be done using the design tab in the upper right corner of the image shown on the left. But you need to add images that are all that orientation to get it to look right! This doesn't mean that they all have to be that way in the post or page, but the image you use to represent that post or page definitely should!  - - -  If you would rather not have to do a specific orientation for the images and have it look more like a pinterest board, we can do that as well. But we will add a SUMMARY rather than a GALLERY in the block that pops up when you click the teardrop or + sign. Then you would simply choose to use a GALLERY page that you have already created. Linking the images is much the same there, only you link the images on the individual page that you created rather than in a box that pops up on the Gallery page that I created.

Edit Demonstrator Form

I'm going to include a couple more form tutorials here as well!

By now you have added all of the text that you want to add to your Become A Demonstrator page, and you just want to make that form ask the specific questions that you need! 

So your first step is to get into editing this page! Now click the button that I have on there for you and choose to edit it! 

At this point you should see the image on the left! You simply remove the ones you do not want, and click the add button to add new options. When you click this button you will see different fields you can choose from like text, check boxes, email, phone number, etc... Choose the field that best suits what your wanting to add and then type the text into it! You can also rearrange the order of the questions by clicking the tree dots on the left hand side of field once it's there and drag it where you want it! 

Changing The Button That Represents The Form

Now say you want to change the text that shows up on the button on your page right? To do this you will go to edit the form just like before, but click the Advanced option in the upper right corner. Scroll all the way to the bottom of this page and simply change the text that I have typed into the "Open Button Label" form. 

Tips On Creating An All New Form

So you know how to edit the form that I created and set up for you,  but now you need to create your own form! It's super easy! I promise! So you know how you click the tear drop or the circled + to add something to a page or post? Well this is no different. You click that and then scroll down until you see the form option. 

Click That!

Make sure that at this point you label it and add all of your fields like I have taught you before. Now click the Storage tab in the upper right corner and make sure that the email address you want it to go to is in that box. If not, then change it. 

At this point you have a styled form that is embedded into the page. Do you want it to be a button like on some of your other pages rather than the form? Easy! Click that Advanced Option, choose lightbox mode, and add the text you want on the button there! This is also where you choose how you want the button aligned. It automatically is right aligned, which looks great on an embedded form, but I think the button looks better centered when it opens the form itself. 

Adding A Button

Do want to add a button like I did for your codes in the sidebar? Or maybe just a button that leads to your contact page, but is in the pretty outlined box like I have for your sidebar?  EASILY DONE!!!

Go in just like you would to add anything. Click either the circled + or the tear drop. Now scroll down and click the button option! The image on the left will pop up! 

Enter the text you want to show in the button! 

Now you link it by using CLICKTHROUGH URL. You already know how to link it to a file or an external link, but say you want to link it to a specific page in your blog. Easy! Click the CONTENT option and scroll down until you see the page you want. Click that page! 

Now if you want it to be the gold button you will click the small SIZE in the dropdown. The navy blue is the medium option. I have not created a style for the large because I don't know when you will need one that large, but I may make a pink one just in case. 

See, you have got this down and are learning so much! 

Resizing An Image

You mentioned wanting to learn how to resize the banner you want created because you haven't quite mastered the resizing of images. So let's learn! 

First you have to upload the image. Once you do that you will see EDIT and REMOVE right below it. 

Select the EDIT option. Once you do this you will see a few things that you can do! One of which is to resize the image. Click that option and then you have to choose the size that you want. Keep in mind that you can resize the image DOWN, but never UP! When you go up it will pixelate. 

Now you just hit save and you are done! 

*** Fair warning, sometimes the resize doesn't show until after you hit save on the post! ***

Have you noticed a trend here?

So many things can be done on pages and posts by simple using the blocks option that pops up when you click that teardrop or + sign! I can not express how easy Squarespace is to learn! You can also drag things around to place them where you want and make it look just how you imagine! 

I really hope that all of this makes sense to you, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out!